Registration Information

CHEM Graduation Registration

This is a historical time for you and your son or daughter. CHEM Graduation is honored to be a part of it.

Graduate Information Form

The following information is needed from each graduate:

  • First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
  • Favorite Scripture Verse
  • Gratitude Statement
  • Know your GPA
  • ACT Score
  • SAT Score
  • Will you have College Scholarships?
  • National Merit Scholarship Finalist?
  • Do you want to audition to be part of the musical prelude section of the ceremony?
  • Are you interested in being a flag bearer for the presentation of the flags

Graduate Pictures

When registering you will be asked to upload a baby picture (or toddler picture) and a senior pictures. These images will be used in the “Reflections” slide show in the ceremony.  In the meantime start collecting those great shoots!

Graduation Day Itinerary Document

The Graduation Day Itinerary shows the activities and times each will take place that day so you will know what to expect when you arrive!